Sunday, December 28, 2008

December 28, 2008

Fresh Flowers from the Whole Foods Market.
My favorite place to shop in town is a wonderful organic grocery store chain with amazing food and beautiful flowers.
On Christmas Eve, the store played "Checkout Bingo" - if they drew the number of the lane you were in, you won your groceries for the day. They always feature gorgeous food for samplings - cheese, seafood, fruit. Yum!
Question of the day:
Where do you shop for your food?
What is is like?


Lisa Wilson said...

Well I usually shop for food in the local market called Clark's, unless I'm needing a bunch of stuff I'll drive 1 1/2 hours to Montrose to go to Wal-Mart. Thanks for visiting my blog!

alice said...

In France, we are very lucky to have many markets, even in little towns, with an abundance of fruits and vegetables, between other things, all year long. It can be quite expensive is so important to French people!
Thank you for visiting Arradon DP, your comments are always appreciated.
Your flowers are beautiful, we need colors in winter!

Unknown said...

I allways go to the supermarket across the street, they have everything there. For something more exquisite there is this nice gourmet shop two minutes from my door.
Lovely photo!