Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9, 2009

Father and Son

This is my son's father giving him his very first lesson in rock climbing. He has a full body harness and helmet for safety (and a Mom standing inches away!) It was really fun to see my son trying something like this. He has never shown a lot of fear, so he goes for things like this. He only climbed a few feet at first - more to give him the experience of the equipment. As he gets older and more knowledgeable, he and his Dad can climb some of the easy simple things in our area.


Tanya Breese said...

That is so awesome! What an achievment!

Lois said...

Awwww---that is so sweet!

gogouci said...

Just a couple of feet up a rock face is more than I can climb. Congratulations to the little guy for a great achievement.